Adding questions to candidate profiles via My Fields

Nathan Posts: 16
This is done via a candidate's profile.

These questions will be present on all profiles, yet will be blank if a candidate hasn't answered them.


- Go to Candidates, then Candidate search:

- From there click on a candidate's profile:

- Click on My Fields, from here we can either make a new folder/new field with the "New" button for these questions or add them to an existing folder:

New folder/field:




Existing folder:




Existing fields that have been answered by the candidate will show their answer too


Candidate provides these answers in screening questions:

It then appears in My Fields like so:

Please note:

The answer in My Fields reflects the most recent answer to that field from the candidate.

e.g. If the candidate answers that same field in a different application form, it will update accordingly on their profile.

Hope this helps!

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