Info Surfacing - showing more info on your nodes!

Have you ever looked at your org chart and thought to yourself "golly, I wish this had even more information on it?" Well think no longer, because now you can!

On your org chart, click the cog wheel on the top left, and select Info Surfacing.

This will open up the following:

  • You can switch between choosing System Tags and My Fields by clicking on the tab.
  • You can add fields to be displayed by clicking the + sign. Some System Fields will open up with multiple options to pick from and add. 
  • You can remove fields by clicking the - sign.
  • You can arrange the fields by clicking and dragging.

When you're done, click Apply changes:

If the fields do not have values then it will just leave it blank. The ...more link will open a pop up to quickly show the other fields you selected. 

Hope you find this helpful!

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