How to send an application form

There are a multitude of ways to send out an application form to a potential candidate, but I will share the best ways below.

1. Send to a singular candidate
Firstly, link the candidate to the job you want them to apply for. To do this, go to the Candidates tab in that job, and then add the candidate:

Once you've added the candidate, from that Candidates tab, click on the candidate, then click the Screening Questions tab in the centre:

Click + Send Screening Questions to send an application form to the candidate.

2. Send to multiple candidates

In a specific job, go to Posting, then click Email Invitations, then Send:

In the pop up, make the changes to your email as desired. Then scroll to the bottom and choose your target audience. From the drop down menu on the right, select the option that suits you. Once you have added your candidates and all other mandatory fields are completed, you will be able to send out the application invitations. 
Hope this helps!
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